Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Sisterhood of Perpetual Victims

Oh I love making an impact, being that thorn, that requires attention, it just makes my day.

I can't link to Jim's little "dig" yet as his column is not yet online, but I will when it is.

So what is the "Sisterhood of Perpetual Victims"?

It's obviously a group that holds - media, community leaders, columnists - accountable for what they say, print, and advocate for.

I can take on that new lable!

While I'm advocated for the Sisterhood of Perpetual Victims....

Why is it when our First Nation's want input and engagement they get this headline

Natives demand say in energy megaproject (To me the use of the word "demand" is confrontational.)

Legal action by the Saugeen Ojibwa could derail or delay major energy projects
in Bruce County, Saugeen lawyer Arthur Pape warned an Ontario Energy Board
hearing this week.

and yet when "white" people do the same thing, they get this headline?

Council supports couple in battle with Hydro One;Rawns fighting to keep proposed new transmission corridor out of sensitive wetlands

A Varney couple is getting support from West Grey council in their bid to
protect Camp Creek wetlands from possible environmental damage from a proposed
new high voltage transmission line from Bruce Power to Milton

The Native concern and possible opposition is portrayed as holding up progress, yet when non-natives threaten similar action, it is portrayed as "saving the farm".

Just a question

Monday, January 14, 2008

Biting the hand that once fed...

Funny Farm column

Letter to the Editor

Re: Cry me a river - of votes

Dear Editor,

I am always pleased to see our community on an international stage, advocating for the same issues, having a voice and echoing the standards of society. Yet sadly Jim Merriam must have spent too much time watching Fox news this past weekend.

In his column he claims that it was Hillary Clinton’s tears that won her the New Hampshire Primary.

Well perhaps if he broadened his reading he would see the on going analysis that suggests that it was the treatment of Clinton that drove the female vote to back her. Oh here’s a question: who’s tracking the male vote? We have the female vote, the black vote, the religious vote, the minority vote…

But I’m off topic. I’ve seen the footage of Clinton and ‘tearing up’ is not crying; yet the media pounced on her for being weak. But wait, then there was the media who said it was all fake, and she did it to soften her image. Well which was it, weakness or manipulation: well it could be both, she is a woman after all!!! This is the same media that says she’s cold if she wears black and too soft if she wears pink. This woman can’t win.

Women are dealt a double standard in positions of power. If women are passionate about what they believe in and are determined to make their point; they are called aggressive. If men behave the same way, he’s a hero for speaking out.

If a man shows emotion it means he’s compassionate and caring, and a strong man for showing his emotion if a woman shows emotion she’s being weak and manipulative.

These days a woman has to be twice as smart, twice as good to get what they want.

As for the not so Funny Farm, Mr. Merriam also advocates tears as manipulation: “Guys, if you find yourself losing the election for sergeant at arms for the local Moose lodge, maybe you should try stubbing your toe on the flag pole.”

Too bad he didn’t advocate for being a better lodge member, but then I’m sure this is a male only lodge because who wants women around when the world needs to be conquered.

Jim also seems to think violence within the home is acceptable. And I quote
“Or if you're losing a battle at home, you might trick your spouse by pinching yourself hard enough to moisten the corners of the eyes.
If she doesn't whack you with a frying pan you'll know it might be working. “
Jim, do you really think domestic violence is a joke?
I suggest you go back to reprinting email jokes, and leave the political analysis to people without chips on their shoulder.

Francesca Dobbyn
A woman who tears up and wears pink.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

The end of the string or the begining of the string?

Balls of yarn have a beginning and an end. Some knitters knit from the 'end' that's inside, thus making that end, the beginning. Other knitters start from the outside, making that the beginning.

So what makes the beginning and the end of a ball of yarn, is where the knitter starts, not what society might dictate.

So is this blog and end, or a beginning?

No idea yet.

In mid November I was informed:

Dear Francesca;

As part of a regular and ongoing renewal of our editorial pages, we have decided to discontinue Running With Scissors. I want to thank you for the very many excellent pieces you have written for us over the years.

Should you wish to continue writing for us from time to time, we would still consider your submissions on a one-off basis, or as a member of our all-volunteer community editorial board.


Michael Den Tandt
The Sun Times

After 5 years, an email, to say 'thanks' but we're done here.

I've spent the last month and a half trying to figure out where to take my "voice" and go from here.

Blogging "Running With Scissors" seemed to defeat the purpose in that I felt I should be paid for my writing, as an artist.

But I've also realized I've got pent-up issues that I want to discuss and there is no outlet.

So today I promised myself I'd do a weekly blog. I've got a daily blog for the United Way, which I can't seem to get to daily, so I'm not falling into that trap again.

So does this represent the end of Running With Scissors, or the beginning of a new Running With Scissors?

Who knows. But as a wise knitter, I know better than to think the sweater is finished with only one ball of yarn started.